Thursday 19 June 2008

Not An 80s Teen Flick

I caught this video clip of The Presets' newie, This Boy's In Love, and must admit that I really like it. Apart from the trip-hop scintillating tunes, I like the whole aggressive yet homoerotic theme of the two guys duking it out.

It reminded me of this jock I befriended when I was back in High School.

I was, for want of a better word, a nerd who was hopeless at sports and almost failed Phys Ed due to lack of effort and, erm, attendance. Basically, I cut class as much as I can to avoid not kicking the footy, not shooting basketball and not swinging the cricket bat. You get the point.

In my year level was Brad who was great at sports but hopeless with his Literature. He wasn't in my circle of friends and I wasn't in his, but over detention, we met each other and somehow became study partners.

(Yes, okay, so this is all starting to sound very much like an 80s teen flick, but trust me, Molly Ringwald doesn't star in this one.)

Eventually, Brad and I became very good friends. At the time, my feet were still firmly stuck in the closet while my head tentatively poked out the door. I knew which way I was swinging. But I still didn't dare come out. After all, this was a school located in the western ghetto. I liked being alive.

I don't know if he sensed it but I soon found I liked Brad more than a mate. It wasn't hard not to. He was tall, a jock, friendly, a jock, fairly good-looking, a jock, and we spent a lot of time together. He was also a jock.

One late evening studying at Brad's place, we were laid out on his bed pouring over a Lit text that needed to be analysed. We were on our stomach with shoulders touching reading this book. The closeness was getting to me and I was finding it *very hard* to concentrate. To relieve the building tension, I playfully shoved Brad over with my shoulder. He looked at me surprised but shoved back. I hit him harder in return. Before you know it, we were jumping on his bed, pushing each other. It ended up into a wrestling session between the two of us, with one trying to pin the other down.

Eventually, we stopped. We were both kneeling on the bed, our chests heaved, breaths panted, clothes messed up and barely on. We looked at each other for the longest time, just staring. All I wanted to do was to grab Brad and plant him some big ones - but then he cracked a smile and we soon fell into a heap of laughter. The tension dissipating. Nothing more happened that evening and nothing more would happen since.

It's been a very long time since I last heard from Brad but I'll always remember that night. Two teenage boys raunchily wrestling in bed, aggressive and homoerotic..............

Gay Porky's anyone?

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