Thursday 10 April 2008

Lofty Ambitions

I've always imagined that by the time I reach my 30s that I'd be living in a crystal palace amongst the clouds somewhere in the middle of the city. Well, the milestone age is only a few years away but the dream is definitely quite far from becoming a reality.

I admit that a big part of the reason why I haven't made any headway to ever realising this dream is the pilfering of a sizable chunk of my youth on overspending and hedonistic pursuits. The kind of things you're only supposed to enjoy generally in retirement, after earning and saving a shit load of cash along the way. But even if I was given the benefit of hindsight and a do-over, I reckon that it would still be pretty darn challenging to achieve even close to what I'd imagined.

Unless you're been living under a rock, in a cave, on an island, somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, you'd be aware that the current (mis)state of World Finances seem to be going down the drain. The way things are going, I'd be lucky to shack up anywhere on my own where there'll not only be electricity but also running water.

But I digress.

The reason why I've delved into this particular bag of nostalgia is an email I came across while clearing out a backlog of saved missives in my Inbox. It was written many years ago. A forward chain, it was one of those timewaster Get To Know You deals designed to give others a peek into one's personality simply by answering a series of random and not-so-random questions. The one that set off this train of thought: how do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Well, aside from the inner city apartment are the following others in my then-future wish list:
  • A sports car, preferably a convertible;
  • A holiday house by the beach;
  • A round-the-world trip;
  • A family with two kids; and
  • A room filled with a Lego City

So, yes, quite a list, huh? Didn't realise I had such lofty ambitions back then. I guess, that's foresight being optimistic.

Anyway, I have no idea where I'm really going with this post. Just that I found the above fascinating, if not poignant, to see how much disparity there can ultimately be between dream and reality......... Lego City! Ha!


Kyels said...

It's also my one of my dreams to own a Lego City!


Evol Kween said...

Dude, you wanted a 'family with two kids'. Was this before you turned Zsa Zsa Gabore pink? :)