So lately the kind of things that used to give me a real buzz hasn't.
For example, instead of slapping me awake, coffee has actually been making me drowsy. I figure it's the warm milk that's been causing it and not because I'm now immune to caffeine. Beer doesn't seem to have the same kick anymore either, but that could be due to my liver now becoming very good at metabolising the alcohol instead of, you know, being slowly killed by it. And even crack doesn't trip me up the same way as it did before... Well, okay, so that last bit is a lie. I'd never ever do crack.
But I have had the occasional recreational party drug. And so when some E were offered at a party this past weekend, I decided to partake in the pill-popping, buoyed especially by an already extra debaucherous time had.
Now, it's been years since I last got high on the white tablet but I do remember feeling it within minutes. So, it was with some disappointment that after half-an-hour of taking half-a-pill, downed with bourbon no less, I still wasn't feeling tripped up. Instead, I got very sleepy. Must have been some cheap shit.
I would have gone and punched the guy in the face for selling me useless crap, but, well, by that stage my back was feeling a bit stiff. So, instead, I laid down and fell asleep.
Bah. Crazy kids.
My days of 'partying' are long gone, but I do remember their being nothing worse than taking a dud.I also remember one time where I ended up not knowing where I was, but that's a whole 'nother story.
Please ignore the fact that I used the word 'their' instead of 'there'.
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