Sorry, peeps. Been totally meaning to update the last few days but I've been kinda sidetracked. And yesterday, when I had the whole day to do so, I spent it staring at the laptop instead. Apparently, lack of sleep isn't conducive to creativity. Or brain flow for that matter.
Anyway, interesting thing happened on the weekend – and it all came about from a single line of text message I got on my phone.
I know what you did.Not a missive from a potential serial killer from summers past, the SMS actually came from a friend, Adrian. He and I first met back in the late 90s when I joined a youth group local to my area. I had just come out and needed to meet some like-minded individuals. He was the president and co-convenor.
Amongst this tiny ensemble of funky lesbians, lip-wristed twinks and uber-political queers were two guys: Daniel and John. Daniel was Asian. John was European. And the two were a couple. Both were approachable and friendly – not to mention cute – and so were the ones I naturally gravitated to. Mutual admiration ensued and before too long, we became very close friends.
We spent lots of time together; going out, spending in or just shooting the shit. It was all good until I started noticing John give me those too-friendly touches and too-suggestive smiles. All behind Daniel's back. I guess apart from being a freshly out kid back then, I was also pretty stupid – and horny. Which led to the fateful night spent with John while Daniel was away. In Daniel's house. In Daniel's bed.
To say the experience was nowhere near worth the fall-out would be an understatement to the nth degree. When Daniel eventually found out, the proverbial excrement hit the spinning machine in the ceiling. I stopped making contact which was just as well since I would have been cock-blocked. The two boys separated and all three of us left the group without giving any explanations. A whole lot of drama for a few dark hours spent merely on mutual fondling – and nothing more.
That was ten years ago and all but forgotten until Adrian's text message.
Quite by accident, he had run into Daniel at a bar. And I guess after not seeing each other for so long, the two had plenty to catch up on. And I mean plenty.
It seems that after all this time – a whole decade – Daniel had not only
not forgotten about what went down between the John and I but remembered more of the story than I ever would. According to what Daniel had told him, Adrian said that I apparently sucked off John. That I apparently then let John suck me. And that when we were both dry of saliva, that I apparently fucked him. And he me. It was a far steamier session that I actually experienced.
I tried pleading otherwise but Adrian simply refused to believe me. It seems the thought of something so scandalous happening under his nose and instigated by his otherwise unassumingly nice guy friend is just way too titillating news, especially after all these years. Seems nostalgia is far more appealing than reason. Regardless of how clouded it may be.
Even Britney can't work up that kind of notoriety.